Getting back into the swing of things after a week-long vacation is hard. Really hard. We had a fantastic time and I should feel refreshed and ready to hustle. But, alas, vacation is never long enough.
So I’m not really prepared to share a whole lot today. But, here’s a brief summary of our trip in pictures.
Summer Vacation
Young boys fell in love with fishing – and managed to bait hooks and remove fish without much help from the adults. It’s about time! 😉
The entire family enjoyed the crystal waters of spring-fed lakes in Wisconsin.
And, lots of beer was enjoyed by the adults. If there’s one thing the people of Wisconsin love (besides cheese) it’s the beer. And we can get on board with that.
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Boredom Buster
Just for funsies… Are you tired of hearing, “I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do.” to the tune of a screeching cat? Yea, me too. But this boredom buster is just for the adults – not our children on summer break. It’s ok if you want to leave the dishes in the sink and let the laundry pile up. It’s boring and you don’t want to spend your spare time on those things. I get it.
Take a break and do this instead.
Grab one of these books and steal one of the untouched boxes of markers your kiddos brought home from school (even though the class list insisted they bring multiple sets). And, start coloring. You’re welcome.
My (New) Favorite Quote
I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life. – Elsie de Wolfe
I have lots of favorite quotes, depending on my mood. But sometimes you read a quote and you totally connect with it. I recently saw this in a gift shop instantly knew this defined me. My job, my hobbies, my passion, my blog, my life… I just want to make everything around me beautiful. That will be my life. #qotd
See you all next week.